Can you believe it? We've been together for 1 year!
Cant believe it is already a year since that day 9mobile did not let me shine
I was nervous, but i knew i had to do it, I had to ask you out
I was like 90% (okay maybe 99%) sure you would say yes, but i was still nervous
I remember i was pacing around my room, trying to make sure i had everything i wanted to say
I wish it did not happen over the phone, but i was not going to let that stop me
You agreed to make things official, and i was so happy
I was happy, I was finally with the woman i've always wanted
Going out with you was the best decision i made during my lagos trip
That being said, I built this for you to take you down memory lane

My first time seeing you, I was shy as fuck, you were a little nervous

You told your mum and your siblings that you were in a relationship.... I shock, it gave me motivation to later tell mine. also put a little bit of pressure on me to act right and not fuck this up

Our first valentines day together, To answer this question, i was looking for you, as i don see you now, my body don rest.

March 2023, you met my sister, this was a big deal, i was nervous (why am i always nervous). You took `dress the way you want to be addressed` so serious on that day. My sister loves you, I love you

Still March 2023, you said this, and no truer words have been spoken.... You looked so hot on that day, i should have eaten you as dinner, but long distance no gree

April 2023, you said this, and i was like, i don't know what i did to deserve you, but i'm grateful for you. I love you. I still dey wait for you to do these things

May 2023, you dropped this mad meme, i love using it as a sticker, Thank you for never hiding what you're feeling from your face

May 2023, my favorite picture of you for a while, Reminds me of how lucky i am to have you, and how much i love you

This is how proudly i look at my phone when i get pictures from you

Bonus, never stop laughing, it makes you glow, i love it sooooooooooooo much

June 2023, you wrote your final exams, it was a tough one, but i'm proud of you. Then you wore this legendary top, sadly i cant let other people see you this way

July 2023, we got matching necklaces, i like twining with you mehn.. too sweet.

August 2023, we were finally gonna spend some physical time together, i was so excited, i was so nervous, i was so happy, i was so scared, i was so everything. PS: you look good in a durag

September 2023, we spent a lot of time together, fucking like dogs, making love like its the last time, We attended a wedding together.. omo, september too soft.

September 2023, would not be complete without this nauuuu. YKTV

October 2023, you got me the first and best birthday gift ever. Thank You, Thank you, i smile whenever i wear it.

November 2023, you went to camp, it was tough, but like with everything we came out victorious. Thank you for keeping me up to date with everything

December 2023, This is my favorite look so far, ( maybe i have recency bias ) and the tities are just perfect, i love them, e just soft, i want to bury my penis (or head) between them.

Its still Day 1
So, after walking down memory lane do you think you would love to continue this thing with me as we go to the second year?
Yes or Yes
As a fun little game, pick a number between 5 and 20, send it to me on whatsapp
I love you soo soo much, and i am going to be here always